Social Assistance
The Social Assistance department is managed by Heather Gibbs and cheque issue days are generally on the last Thursday of the month. In order to qualify for income assistance, you must make an appointment.
Due to Covid-19 all staff is currently working from home so please call the number below to discuss an application for Income Assistance.
Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
Phone: 604-828-7970
Required Documents for Income Assistance Include:
2 pieces of ID – 1 being a recent picture ID (not expired)
1 piece of ID for children
Notice of Assessment from Revenue Canada
Notice of Entitlement (family allowance) if you have children
Bank statement
Record of Employment (ROE)
Hydro bill
Phone bill
Rental agreements (from Housing department)
A consent to release of information from the Ministry (if you have been away from the reserve)
Your File Must Contain:
An application (yearly)
A budget and decision sheet
A consent to release of information
A utility payment authorization
Utility bills (hydro, phone, rent, etc.)
Social Assistance Monthly Renewal Declarations
Notice of Assessment
Notice of Entitlement
Bank statement
Once these documents are signed, they are legal documents. Files must be turned over to the RCMP if you fraudulently obtain money from income assistance.