Languages of the Pauquachin First Nation
In the Pauquachin community, the two traditional languages that are spoken and written are HUL’Q’UMI’NUM and SENCOTEN. National statistics show that there are 30 Pauquachin members who have capacity in Aboriginal languages. The limited number of community members fluent in traditional languages comes from the First Nations history of colonization. former government policies forced the removal of children from their families to residential schools. In these schools, the Saanich children began to experience denial of their language and culture. Over the years, this created a communication gap between the older generation who were still at home speaking the traditional languages and those who were assimilated into the Western education system.
“Our language is more than just a spoken word. Within our language is SYESES (History), CELANEN (Birthright), SNEPENEK (Teachings), and SXINANS (Way of being). Learning, knowing and understanding our language gives us sense of belonging and knowing who we are and where we come from. ”
— SI,OLTENOT Bartleman