Public Health Nurse
Communicable Disease Control
TB Testing
Routine immunizations for the whole family
Seasonal influenza immunizations
immunizations for populations at risk
Follow-up on reportable Communicable Disease Outbreaks and infestations
Education and counseling on vaccine preventable diseases
Public Health Nurses
Pauquachin First Nation has Registered Nurses providing Public Health Nursing services through the Pauquachin Health Office. Public Health Nurses provide health promotion, intervention and support to women, children and families. All services are free and confidential. We work with Speech Language Pathologists, Hearing (Audiologists), Public Health Nutritionists, and Dental Health Educators.
Phone: (250)656-0191
Please contact reception for hours and information.
Infant and Preschooler Caregiver Services
Individual screening, assessment of child’s development and social-emotional progress.
Child Health Conferences for basic childhood immunizations, assessment, and counselling on weights and measurements, parenting issues, oral/dental health, safety, nutrition, tobacco reduction.
Providing health information, support and discussion groups for parents and their babies, toddlers and preschoolers and the community on various health and safety issues such as injury and communicable disease prevention, nutrition, and parenting.
Pre and Post Natal Care
Pregnancy and Prenatal Counselling.
Prenatal teaching.
Identification and support for women experiencing difficulties with post-partum adjustment or depression.
Telephone call and home visit with all new mothers.
Breastfeeding support for mothers/families requiring assistance and information or experiencing difficulties.
Pamphlets, brochures, books, videos and other resources on pregnancy and parenting including safety, healthy choices, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Prevention, Shaken Baby Prevention, infant care and supports.