Employment Services
The Employment Office supports community members in the area of employment by assisting clients establish priorities, setting goals and constructing concrete employment plans to achieve those goals. We are also able to help community members apply for funding for employment goals, including filling out forms, writing letters of support and making sure that all pre-requistes are complete.
To access any of our Employment services please visit us at the Band Office at 9010 West Saanich Road.
Application forms for funding are available at the office.
Our objective is to increase the participation and awareness of employment services by all Pauquachin Community members.
Member Employment Support
Employment is often expressed as a top priority for Pauquachin community members. Pauquachin people are searching for opportunities to receive training in skills and to use their skills to gain employment.
The band office works to increase the employ-ability of community members through their Employable Skill Development program. This program happens bi-monthly and includes training in areas such as: WHMIS, First Aid, resume writing, cover letter writing, and interviewing. The program can also help connect participants to courses that will grant certifications.
A Note From Our Employment Coach
“It’s another amazing year ahead of us to set some goals. It doesn’t matter if the goals are big or small, what matters is we continue to evolve, improve ourselves and move forward. There are many great things to be involved in happening in our world, in our community, and in our families. All we need to do is take a step forward! The area of my work is continuing to improve as I learn what resources and opportunities are available within the local area, and how I can try and link community members with those opportunities. I look forward to developing plans to help our community members, young and old alike.Looking for employment opportunities for members is ongoing, and I have been posting on my facebook page, and the job board in the main hallway is still updated regularly. There is many online job search avenues as well. I will help you with your employment goals. Please contact me to set up a time!”
- Narrene Williams
Contact Employment
Phone: (250) 656-0191 EXT. 112
Email: narrene@pauquachin.com
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm